
Crossref, ORCID and DataCite Joint Global Infrastructure Conference: 6월 15일 (목) 대한상공회의소

ADMIN   2017-10-31 11:45   3037

Crossref, ORCID and DataCite에서 한국 내 회원 기관들을 위하여 "Crossref, ORCID and DataCite Joint Global Infrastructure Conference"을 6월 15일 (목)에 대한상공회의소 (서울시 중구 세종대로 39)에서 개최 예정입니다.


자세한 내용은 (아래 본문과 동일, PDF 파일 첨부), https://orcid.org/content/joint-global-infrastructure-conference 또는 https://joint-global-infrastructure-conference.eventbrite.com/ 링크를 눌러서 확인할 수 있으며, 참가 신청도 여기에서 할 수 있습니다.  많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.


다음은 Crossref, ORCID and DataCite에서 보내 온 공지문 내용입니다.


Dear Crossref member,


We would like to invite you to join Crossref, ORCID and DataCite in Seoul on June 15. We are holding a seminar on Joint Global Infrastructure between 8.30 and 12.30 at The Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 39, Sejongdaero, Jung-gu, Seoul, 04513.


Staff from the three organisations will present at the event, and we will be joined by Korean guest speakers to talk about the work they are doing at their organisations. This seminar is interested for anyone working in publishing, research, library and information science, research funders and administrators, data scientists and more.


The provisional agenda for the event is as follows:


08:30 Registration & Coffee

09:00 Cross-border Collaboration for Scholarship Geoffrey Bilder (Crossref)

09:15 Introductions to Key Organizations in Scholarly Infrastructure

10:00 Metadata 2020: A Campaign for Richer Metadata Ginny Hendricks (Crossref)

10:10 Working with Global Infrastructure at a National Level Hideaki Takeda (Japan Link Center)

10:30 Coffee

11:00 ORCID Institutional Connect Alice Meadows (ORCID)

11:15 Experience with ORCID Integrations (Choon Shil Lee (KAMJE)

11:35 The OI Project - A New Institutional Identifier Registry Ed Pentz (Crossref)

11:45 Linking Data with Publications Martin Fenner (DataCite)

12:00 Event Data Martin Fenner (DataCite)

12:15 Wrap-up and Final Thoughts Geoffrey Bilder (Crossref)

12:30 Close


Presentations will be in English and slides will be shared with participants after the event.

There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion, and you can submit questions in advance when you sign-up or by emailing feedback@crossref.org.


There is no cost for attending the event, but we do need people to register as space is limited.


You can register using this link:




Please let me know if you have any questions about the event and we hope to see you there!


Best regards,

Crossref, DataCite and ORCID  


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