
ORCID iD display guidelines for journals now released

ADMIN   2017-10-31 11:45   1668

ORCID iD display guideline이 발표되었습니다. 
iD display guidelines for journals now released


기본적으로, 저자명, 연두색 동그라미 ORCID iD 아이콘 ORCID iD, 그리고 https//로 시작하는 URI 정보를 나열하고, iD 아이콘 과 URI에 hypertext 링크를 삽입하는 것을 권장하고 있습니다.  저자가 많을 때에는, URI 부분을 생략하고 저자명과, URI hypertext 링크가 삽입된 iD 아이콘만 사용하여도 된다고 하였습니다. (자세한 내용은 아래 Recommended iD display를 참조하세요.)


Author B ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5727-2427 
Author A ORCID iD, Author F, Author K, Author M ORCID iD, Author Q ORCID iD


학술지 논문의 PDF, full text  화면, 그 외 EPUB등 다양한 형태의 논문 파일에 이와 같은 방식으로 ORCID iD를 표시할 것을 권고하고 있습니다. 의편협에서 구축하는 데이터베이스인 KoreaMed, Synapse 그리고 KAMJE Press는 ORCID iD display guideline을 준수하고 있습니다.

Recommended iD display


The journal iD display guidelines recommend that ORCID iDs should be displayed in all formats of the article (HTML, PDF, EPUB, etc.). The iDs must be clearly associated with their respective authors, and always include an active hyperlink to the ORCID URI.


The recommended display is the green ORCID iD icon followed by the full iD URI (http[s] scheme optional). The iD icon should be scaled to the text, and both icon and URI should be hyperlinked to the ORCID URI:


Author A ORCID iD orcid.org/0000-0001-2345-6789


Where the URI scheme (https:// or http://) is included, the guidelines strongly encourage https:


Author B ORCID iD https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5727-2427


Where there are space concerns in the author list, such as in articles with more than 50 authors (hyperauthored articles), the guidelines recommend that the hyperlinked iD icon alone be used, or that iDs be listed in a separate section:


Author list
Author A ORCID iD, Author F, Author K, Author M ORCID iD, Author Q ORCID iD


Author A ORCID iD orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097
Author M ORCID iD orcid.org/0000-0001-5727-2427
Author Q ORCID iD orcid.org/0000-0001-2345-6789


Download the iD icon at Trademark and iD Display Guidelines and ORCID repository in web and vector format to use in your layouts. Contact us if you need the icon in another format.


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