SCI 등재: Investigative and Clinical Urology


KoreaMed 등재 학술지이며, Synapse 학술지인 Investigative and Clinical Urology가 SCI에 등재되었습니다.

현재 SCI, SSCI, A&HCI 에 등재된 의편협 회원 학술지는 총 41종입니다.

Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research

Annals of Dermatology

Annals of Laboratory Medicine

Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research

Asian Nursing Research (SCI&SSCI)

Biomolecules & Therapeutics

Cancer Research and Treatment

Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology

Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience

Diabetes & Metabolism Journal

Experimental and Molecular Medicine

Experimental Neurobiology

Gut and Liver

Immune Network

International Neurourology Journal

Investigative and Clinical Urology

Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics

Journal of Breast Cancer

Journal of Clinical Neurology

Journal of Gastric Cancer

Journal of Gynecologic Oncology

Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (SCI&SSCI)

Journal of Korean Medical Science

Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society

Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility

Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science

Journal of Stroke

Journal of Veterinary Science

Korean Circulation Journal

Korean Journal of Internal Medicine

Korean Journal of Medical History (A&HCI)

Korean Journal of Orthodontics

Korean Journal of Parasitology

Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology

Korean Journal of Radiology


Nutrition Research and Practice

Psychiatry Investigation (SCI&SSCI)

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

World Journal of Men's Health

Yonsei Medical Journal

제12회 의학학술지 편집인 아카데미 개최 보고

의편협에서는 2019년 1월 11일(금)~12일(토) 연세의대 에비슨 의생명연구센터 1층 유일한홀에서 제12회 의학학술지 편집인 아카데미를 개최하였습니다. 1일차인 1월 11일(금)에는 학술지와 출판 윤리, 연구출판윤리 2019, 저자됨과 CRedit 소개, 임상유전체 생명정보시스템, 젠더혁신과 학술지 출판, Adobe를 활용한 논문 ‘Figure’ 정리 방법, Changes of Journal of Korean Medical Science Editing & Publishing with Global Standard, 의편협 학술지 재평가에서 흔히 보는 문제점, Journal of Gastric Cancer 학술지 발전 경험, AAIR 학술지 발전 경험, Updates on KoreaMed & Synapse, Submission System Tools that Help Editors Detect Fraud and Ethical Lapses 등 12개 강의로 진행되었으며, 2일차인 1월 12일(토)에는 국내 학술지의 의편협 평가와 과총 평가 방침, Improving Communication Skills for Reviewing English Journal Articles, New Content Formats - Communicating Science Effectively Beyond the Journal Article, Turnitin 활용, 학술지 편집인이 알아야 하는 의학통계 리뷰에서의 고려사항, How to Write a Good Peer Review, 학술지 편집인의 역할, 연구 Design 적절성 평가 등의 8개 강의가 진행되었습니다. 국내 의학학술지의 질적 향상을 위해 노력하시는 편집인들께 도움을 드리고자 총 20개의 다양하고 유익한 강의로 꾸며진 이번 아카데미에는 총 138명이 등록하였습니다.

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SCI 등재: Investigative and Clinical Urology

안녕하세요? KoreaMed 등재 학술지이며, Synapse 학술지인 Investigative and Clinical Urology가 SCI에 등재되었습니다. 현재 SCI, SSCI, A&HCI 에 등재된 의편협 회원 학술지는 총 41종입니다. Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research Annals of Dermatology Annals of Laboratory Medicine Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research Asian Nursing Research (SCI&SSCI) Biomolecules & Therapeutics Cancer Research and Treatment Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience Diabetes & Metabolism Journal Experimental and Molecular Medicine Experimental Neurobiology Gut and Liver Immune Network International Neurourology Journal Investigative and Clinical Urology Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics Journal of Breast Cancer Journal of Clinical Neurology Journal of Gastric Cancer Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (SCI&SSCI) Journal of Korean Medical Science Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Journal of Stroke Journal of Veterinary Science Korean Circulation Journal Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Korean Journal of Medical History (A&HCI) Korean Journal of Orthodontics Korean Journal of Parasitology Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Korean Journal of Radiology Mycobiology Nutrition Research and Practice Psychiatry Investigation (SCI&SSCI) Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine World Journal of Men's Health Yonsei Medical Journal